The 2024 Canadian Meet – in review

What can I say? It was a great day! There were plenty of looks from everyone, young and old. There was lots of cruising, quick stops for pictures, people pulling over and getting out to give us thumbs up as we passed and lots of jaws dragging on the ground when they saw not 1 but 10 Chevettes!

We left an impression on lots of people today. The smiles, laughs, and memories that these cars bring make it worth it. Even better are the people in the cars, albeit we can be a bit strange.

We went for dinner at the flying saucer. I had a couple talk to me for what seemed like forever, he was fascinated that there were so many. When I went to cash out the waitress asked me a seemingly simple question. “Are you guys all friends?” While this seems like a fairly innocent question, it was her tone and expression. She came across surprised that this weird group of people wouldn’t be the “typical” type of friends.

I quickly responded with “if you look in the parking lot, you’ll see a bunch of odd little cars. That’s us, we collect them and we get together every year and drive around.” She did the “ ahh cool” and that was the end of it.

This whole situation got me thinking. We are not typical friends. We are a group of people from all walks of life, all shapes and sizes and lots of personalities. We are a group of people with a common interest, a common passion and some of the coolest people I have ever met!

It’s these bonds and these friendships that keep this passion and these cars alive. We are all very different people and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

All these little cars, parked in a row. All so different yet the same. Just like the owners and the friendships that these little cars have helped grow.

Thank you to everyone that came out and made this another successful meet in the books.

Until next year!!

P.S. – enjoy this little photo gallery of the day!

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